I see that I'm getting linked a bit from bikeblogs.com today. I wish I could give you some good content but hey, I've been too busy lately to provide any good content. Ok, this blog was only ever so slightly better when I did have time to spend on this blather. My real limitation is writing talent and a very poor memory. You see, I think of many great, nay, outstanding post ideas while I twitter away my day but when bloggy time cometh my brain resembles a mid-west trailer park after a tornado hit. You can tell that at one time something was there but it doesn't seem to be of much value any more. Welcome to my brain, population zero. If you're still with me, by all means, read on.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I see that I'm getting linked a bit from bikeblogs.com today. I wish I could give you some good content but hey, I've been too busy lately to provide any good content. Ok, this blog was only ever so slightly better when I did have time to spend on this blather. My real limitation is writing talent and a very poor memory. You see, I think of many great, nay, outstanding post ideas while I twitter away my day but when bloggy time cometh my brain resembles a mid-west trailer park after a tornado hit. You can tell that at one time something was there but it doesn't seem to be of much value any more. Welcome to my brain, population zero. If you're still with me, by all means, read on.
Ever since I made the switch to a hardtail single speed, Steve (aka: killbill) has been subtly coercing me into getting a full suspension, geared 29'er. His feeling being that everybody is faster on a full sus. Why am I telling you this when I can cut and paste his e-mail:
Subject: The Bike You Would Kill It On...
Oh yes...
No maintenance(seriously), no bob, pure screaming bike. Same frame I have, but in 29r form. Probably around 5lbs. $1550 your cost. I know...I know...but one ride on that frame and you would never, ever look back at riding a hard tail. I'm glad you'll never get one as likely, your riding would go through the roof. Just trust me on that one.
Personally, I think it's cute that he calls himself Steven but I still prefer KillBill (a play on his last name). I have to admit that he may have a point and I'm certainly intrigued by the bike but I don't think I'll be hopping on one anytime soon. It sure is purty though and it comes in my favorite color!
Of course, he will be my direct competition once my racing season starts so maybe he's just trying to get in my head. You know, make me question my stupid (see he's done it already) decision to race a hardtail ss against full boingy gearies. Of course if Thom can do it, why can't I? Maybe because he's tougher than I am and a more talented cyclist...
Monday, June 29, 2009
For months, every time Marcy and I would ride together, she'd complain about her bike and say that she wanted a 29'er but she didn't want to spend the money on a new bike. I, of course, love to spend money on new bikes but didn't want to piss of the s.o. either so I had to hatch a devious plan. First, given my smittenness (is that a word???) with the Selma, my beloved Dos has been sitting un-loved for a couple of months so I knew I had a whole bike's worth of quality components to work with, the problem would be finding a frame that didn't break the bank. Well, my prayers were answers a little over a week ago when a Bikeman.com teammate e-mailed the team about a brand new (ok, he had a couple of rides on it) Dos Niner frame he was selling because he wanted to go full suspension. It was a super good deal and it was in the size I think Marcy needed so I took a gamble and bought it on the down low because I was using the whole deal as a birthday present.
Anybody who has read the blog for a while knows that my mechanical abilities are minimal at best and I had NEVER done a full bike build myself so I planned on having the friendly dudes at Bikeman do the swapping for me but, because of various things beyond my control (I'm impatient, oh wait, that is in my control) I was forced to build it myself. Lucky for me, I picked the frame up Friday and it just so happened that Marcy was out with some friends to I very quickly got to work with a bit of trepidation. Would I be the victor and exit the evening with a shiny, almost new, bike for the spousal unit or would I be crawling back to bikeman with my tail between my legs. Only time would tell.
Yada, yada, yada, I didn't take enough pictures.
I am the victor!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Today brings you episode #2 of "Name that Drool". Last time, I asked you to determine what a substance was. It turned out to be a nasty "drool" from our residence crotch sniffer. Wait, I should be more specific, our four legged crotch sniffer. Well, this time you already know that it is drool, what you don't know is what is IN the drool. Please leave a comment with your guess. As always, wrong answers will be rewarded with snarky responses and an improbable correct answer will result in immediate disqualification. Good luck!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
As the spring has turned into (a soggy) summer and I continue to push my "real" training out week by week I've begun to wonder just how committed I am to racing this season. There's no question that I'll race, the real question is, am I going to be able to mentally give it my 100%? Well, over the weekend I got my answer. Marcy and I had a B free evening on Saturday and decided to head to the apartment at work to spend the evening where it is dry and slug free. While there, I had one (5 or 6) too many beers so a plan was hatched to finally wax my legs for the season. Marcy did the honors this year mostly because she likes to inflict pain on me. Halfway through the whole ordeal, we called it a night after having clipped and waxed only one leg. So, there's your answer, I'm 50% committed.
this was supposed to be an action shot but I was too focused on screaming to focus on focusing.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Ok, now I am going to talk about THAT bike. You knew that I wouldn't be able to hold off didn't you? Anyway, when I had the bike built up, the fork arrived at 100mm travel. The bike is designed for 80mm so I had planned to have it re spaced but now, after a few weeks of riding on it at the longer travel I don't think I'm going to have it done. Am I stupid? I guess my reason is that I LOVE the way it handles now and it feels plenty quick in the turning department already and I'm terrified that I won't like the feel after the switch. So what would you, my adoringly small fan base, do?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
shell shocked after completing my final interval.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Things have been ever so busy in my world recently. Being so important and in demand (and dashingly handsome in a big nosed sort of way) it can be tough finding time to ride and blog. I'm guessing that you've already noticed that based on the lack of posts and when I do post, the lack of quality. Oh, and the whining, the constant, incessant whining about being too busy. That too.
Channing doing what Channing does best (besides consistently being 15 minutes late) yap, yap, yapping.
The yellow flower I somehow picked up on the toe of my shoe. It stayed there for most of the ride.
Gratuitous crotch shot.
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I'm stuck in the frickin office tonight and completely STACKED with work so I'm gonna photo blog. I'm sure you won't mind since the content of one of my typical blog posts is about as entertaining as watching the Bachelorette. Oh wait, now that Marcy and I only have two tv stations to chose from, The Bachelorette is the highlight of our evening. Sad, very sad.
Anyway, after ditching the spud for something like the 180th consecutive Friday night we managed to get a little wifey/studly ride in Saturday morning. It was good to finally show Marcy some of our local trails (she knew a few already) and what marriage couldn't use a bit more rubber between the legs, sweating and heavy breathing???
rolling out, blissfully leaving the camper behind.
perfecting the two-up pic. look up woman!
this pic doesn't do the trail justice, just to the left is a nasty drop onto large, pointy things. that'll leave a mark.
we left without the pooch but he somehow found us on a trail he had never been on before. maybe the football size tumor is helping his schnoz finally work!
did you notice I called myself a stud up there? Aint I an impish lil' devil? :)
Monday, June 08, 2009
After last week's little itty bitty bird run-in I found myself twitching and on the verge of a full appendage flailing sprint anytime I sense a bird getting close. Case in point, on Saturday I got up early to sneak in a quick mountain bike ride before working on the house. At one point during the ride, I was forced to do the under tree bike limbo we're all accustomed to. Once I was fully committed to the move and totally defenseless I noticed a couple of small, fledgling type birds scamper into the bushes in front of me immediately followed by loud squawking coming from behind my left shoulder. I immediately freaked, deposited a couple of pooh scented diamonds in my shorts, and braced for impact. Of course, this time it wasn't a hawk, just a partridge doing it's broken-wing-follow-me-instead-of-my-babies dance. It was enough to freak me out though. My sphincter muscles are getting a workout these days.
If you look really closely, you won't see the partridge I was trying to take a picture of.
Then yesterday, while working on the house, I was forced to work near a nest on one of our temporary brackets. We were kind in letting the birds build their nest to have their babies but, sadly, they didn't return the favor as I spent the afternoon in terror as the 2 oz. balls of flying death harassed me to no end until I was done on that side of the house.
Friday, June 05, 2009
The other day, on my mountain bike commute home, I heard a racket coming from behind me and glanced back just in time to see a giant bird (some sort of hawk I think) take off from a spot maybe 20 feet off of the trail. He landed in a tree not far away and proceeded to squawk like a freakin mad man. I watched him for a minute, took a pic, a short video and then headed on my way after he finally flew off. About thirty seconds down the trail, out of nowhere, I hear the squawking again, glance back and that son of a bitch was dive bombing me from behind. He swooped past, missing my head by five feet maximum. At this point I realized that I had somehow angered the beast. "I swear Mr. Hawk, I didn't know she was YOUR wife!" After that warning, I decided to walk my bike for a while so I could be on my toes. The raptor's chattering was amazingly loud and he was never out of sight so I kept my eyes on him and proceeded down the trail. Soon, he swooped again, this time coming at me pretty much head on and veered off just before reaching me. Being a man's man (who waxes) I like to pretend that I'm all tough and stuff but I swear to god, when he swooped me that time I frickin screamed like a girl. Who wouldn't really? The G-D thing had a wingspan approaching five feet, razor sharp talons and and a beak big enough to crack a coconut. Anyway, after that I got the camera out figuring if I was attacked again and I somehow got video of it hitting me in the junk I'd have a pretty good shot at $10k on america's funnies videos. I'd like to say that the video came out awesome but it didn't. Instead, you get to witness a Blair Witch type vid where you can't really see anything but you can hear the terror in my voice as the sob swooped me one more time for good measure.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
As you probably expected with my recent blatherings about Selma's imminent arrival that once she did arrive I would change veins a bit and blather on and on about my precious. You expected right. For today's post, you get mostly some final build pics and the promise for an interesting story tomorrow about yesterday's commute home (hint: Alfred Hitchcock would approve).
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
This morning I was finally able to throw a leg over my precious for her first ride, a quick shake down/commute to allow me to make some minor adjustments before this afternoon's proper 2hr (hopefully) commute home. For the most part, things went pretty smoothly but I did have to adjust the headset, the brakes need some fine tuning (rub in the rear and not enough power up front), the seat post seems to be too short and I definitely need a remote lockout for the fork but, those things aside, it was a pretty sweet ride and I can already tell I'm going to love the bike.
enough brake housing for myself and someone riding in front of me
Here's a handy little ss tip for folks out there. If your ride included road and trail, put two cogs on, one for your trail riding and one for the road. Set your ebb (assuming you're using one) for the trail gear and when you hit the road, simply drop your wheel out, put the chain on the other cog (should be smaller unless you're living in reverse world, or maybe Canada) and pop the wheel back in. If you're on the road, there is really no need to adjust the ebb because what is a bit of chain slack between friends. If you're good (you know I AM) you can make the switch and be rolling again in less than 30 seconds.
slacker chain
At some point, I'll get some actual good pictures of the ride, promise!