Thursday, August 09, 2012

Cringe Worthy 

Despite how crappy the weekend ended, the days leading up to the Hip-ocalypse were quite fun. Downright awesome actually. Arriving in Vermont early on Friday afternoon allowed me to meet up with Tyler (he who beat me at the carrabassett 50 last year) for a fun close to three hour tour of the trails around Stowe. Not how I would typically spend the day before a big race but I wasn't taking SS USA seriously anyway.  Instead, I was there to ride my bike and have fun so it was all good. After the ride, a dip in the Mad River was had and then beers and burgers at the Matterhorn during the registration party.

Saturday brought a very fun SS USA hosted by Bike29.  I've never before managed to have four beers during a race and still finish well and have fun.  That post will be coming shortly.  Firstly though, is the horrid interview I gave to ThomP  for the Cycling Dirt Page.  It makes me cringe to watch it so please be kind.  Remember, I'm very sensitive these days.  :)
Watch more video of 2012 SSUSA on

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