Monday, June 25, 2012

Finding a New Home 

You know you have to spend more time with your kid when she starts getting cozy with the mannequins in the store.

Headless daddy.

are you my mommy?

close enough

I also sent the Dos Niner off to a new home over the weekend.  She was a good friend but hasn't seen use in a few years so it was time to part ways (along with most of the parts from my beloved selma).  Hopefully doesn't leave her outside of his home in Manch-vegas to be stolen by a meth head. 

No riding happened over the weekend, instead I busted my ass working essentially from sun up to sundown on Saturday building our new chicken run (I guess I should post a picture of that so that I'd at least have something) and then spent Sunday morning scrambling to finish building up the Dos for when we met up around noon. In reality, it was a nice (albeit, a bit busy)weekend spent with the family and friends. Unfortunately, though, as I went to bed last night, a sore throat was developing and woke up with a horrid scratchyness. You know you have a sore throat when all you dream about all night is drinking glasses of ice water. Brutal.

Because of the sore throat, I skipped the morning run and did some trail work instead and a quick raking of one trail section turned into the creation of almost 1/4 mile of new trail. I still need to clip the shit out of it but the beginnings of the trail are there and my sore hands are here to prove it.

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