Friday, March 09, 2007

Pitty me

Today marks the end of another unremarkable work week ride wise. Its been cold as tits this week so I haven't had the motivation to commute back and forth to work at all. Besides Monday's 3+ hr road ride its been all trainer all the time. Not a whole lot of fun but at least I've had my brothers PS3 here so I've been able to spin my troubles away while racing and blowing up other cars. Good fun when you have no real plans for the session.

The plan for this afternoon is to ride the mountain bike home but considering I have developed a sore throat that is so bad it feels like I have a blow torch in my throat. If I wasn't so manly, I probably would have whined like a baby last night. Ok, I whined so much I think Marcy wanted to cuff me up-side the melon. What is it with guys that makes us so tough when it comes to physical endeavors but such pusses when we get the least bit sick? I can fall on my bike resulting in cuts, scrapes, bruises etc and hardly blink an eye but give me congestion and a low grade fever and I'll curl up in the fetal position on the floor and cry for mommy. Anyway, if I feel well enough to ride this afternoon, I hope to get in a couple hours of snowy goodness.


Jason said...

agreed. ride for 24 hours? sure.
get a cold or sore throat...
RRRRRRRRROAR I'm a dick head. A BIG dick head. Not sure why. Just am.

Airborne® up dude, I swear it works. Might not "cure" but makes lessens it.

Get better.

Anonymous said...

Tits aren't cold

rick is! said...

I've never been much for those cold cures, they seem like mumbo-jumbo to me. Of course tons of people swear by them so who knows. Of course it was an ecinacea (sp?) episode of mine that led me to distrust such things. Picture vomitting on the side of a road 20 minutes after taking in even though I felt fine beforehand.

Arleigh, true, tits aren't cold are they? Not really sure where that came from, probably Jason.