Monday, February 19, 2007


Andy posted a sweet video of some ice riding over at his blog. Check it out. When I worked in Camden, we did lots of winter rides like that (minus the hucking that is). We had a weekly group ride that went out after work. We'd ride and freeze for a couple of hours and then do it again the next week. It needed to be well below zero for us to bail. Good times. If there is one thing that I miss about working in Camden is the good riding and more importantly, the good riding buddies. Where I'm at now, I have a much shorter commute and a better work environment which is cool but I sure do miss those sweet trails and the killer hard road group rides. Can anyone say sprint intervals? I think for this year, Marcy and I have figured out how to get some of that back. I'm going to turn Tuesday's into my loooooong saddle days. I'll leave work at normal-ish time, drive home, hop on the road bike, ride the 30 miles to Camden to hit the group ride. I'll then bleed from the eyes for two hours and then do the 30 mile ride home. Should turn into a killer day in the saddle getting in both some serious endurance miles as well as some anaerobic work. Pretty sweet. Thankfully, if I overextend myself I can always catch a ride back with MadMike (who only lives a few miles from me) after the group ride. Sweetness, now if only I could figure out a similar routine to get over there to ride the mountain bike but 30 miles on pavement on fat knobbies aint gonna happen.


Andy, R&D said...

wow, epic tuesdays. You'll be a machine if you can pull off that plan . Have you ever ridden with the guys out of Allspeed in Portland...wonder if Gary and the boys are still active durring the mid week.

rick is! said...

yeah, a bit ambitious but a good goal to shoot for. with mike living so close I'm sure the first few will be the four hour variety with me hitching a ride back with him.