Thursday, February 03, 2011

What a Winter

Holy cripes, has this been a winter and a half.  Yesterday saw us getting dumped on yet again.  Not as much as they initially called for but still close to a foot of fresh powder and definitely enough to keep any riding tonight off the agenda.  Of course, both Marcy and B are sick now anyway so I guess it doesn't matter how much snow we get.

So, despite thinking about this coming race season (which races I'll compete in, what bike I'll ride etc) bike shyte is still at a minimum and shoveling and snowshoeing are at a maximum.  My low back hurts as we speak actually...

Currently, looking at this season's tentative schedule, I have 19 races jotted down and I know for a fact that I won't be able to pull that many off.  At the end of last season I had hoped to expand beyond the EFTA series and do some of the Root 66 series as well but when I look at all those stinking races and all that traveling I've got to reconsider.  I'll probably stick with EFTA this season, see how bad I get my ass handed to me in the Elite class (assuming I move up) and maybe throw some NORBA action my way next year.  Who knows, there's still plenty of time for me to change my mind.

And now, some snowshoeing pics.  As if you haven't hat enough...

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Jason said...

19 races? I feel your pain. Now that I moved to Mich., I think I could race every weekend from April 'till November. I of course will be happy to do 5 or 6 races and some epic rides. But this time of year is all about the "WHAT IFs" of 2011. And that is pretty fun.

Anonymous said...

Out some snow shoes on that Mukluk and send pics! Given the option....our ''island is flooded, on fire, and has cyclones doing their cyclonic thing''.....I kinda like yr wintery place.....Miff

rick is! said...

you're right miff. I have no reason to complain but that's never stopped me before.

good luck down there.