Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Too Late

This morning because I had other commitments later in the day I wasn't able to do my typical commute so, instead, I decided to bust out the Dos and hit the trails I rode past the other day. Boy am I glad that I did, it turns out that there is a pretty decent network of singletrack practically out our current front door. Four minutes on the road and I was into singletrack bliss. It's pretty amazing, what probably would have been a sub-par commute on the road (because of how tired I was feeling) turned into 1:20 of exhilarating trail riding. I could tell it was a good ride because when I got home I couldn't stop yammering on and on about the trails to Marcy. I was almost giddy.

The one unfortunate thing about the discovery is that I made it when we only have four more days in that particular locale and once we move it's pretty unlikely I'd make the drive down for it specifically (and it would be 40 minutes on the road with a mountain bike ICK!). Oh well, I'll try to enjoy it one more time before we move. That reminds me, starting next week I'll be able to start putting my new commute together and that IS something to be excited about since it will probably be 2/3 singletrack. Giggidy, giggidy.

I swear there is singletrack in this pick. Also, if you look really closely for 15 second (and turn your volume way up) the fog in the center of the pic will do an awesome John Fogerty impersonation.
The new "from home" loop.
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Laps said...

Anything else you have to do to make that fog look like John Fogerty???

I don't see it. It would probably help if I knew what he looked like.

rick is! said...

start with a few beers and let me know how it goes.

Wheels said...

How do you find all these trails? I fear the unknown!

rick is! said...

you start splorin' and hope for the best. oh, and you rely greatly on you gps to find your way home.

Laps said...

GPS is for cheaters. I like to find my way home the old fashion way, guess and check.

rick is! said...

I used to do that until planned short rides turned into epic, racing daylight rides.

Mike J said...

I don't know, racing daylight is quite the adventure some times. I still use the GPS though.

Jason said...

Every time I "explore" I end up trespassing and on the run from the Five-Oh. LOL! Good luck with the move. If I lived closer I'd offer to help. Kidding of course.