Friday, October 03, 2008

I miss my bike

But I miss my family more and as a result, I've barely touched my bike as of late. Between cranking stupid hours for work and working on our house design and with contractors it leaves prescious little time at days end (usually none actually) for play so 9 times out of 10 I've chosen to grab a few more minutes with the fam instead of going for a quick ride. It's now Friday and for the week I have a whopping 1.5 hours of ride time accrued. Thank god for picking B up at school in the trailer because, otherwise, that number would be 40 minutes!

I guess I'm not really complaining because things are going well. The economy is in the toilet but I've still got a kick ass job, am designing and building a new home and have a family that supports and loves me. Not much to complain about here plus, I know that once summer hits (and assuming our house is done) there will be plenty of time for riding.



Jason said...

Nice. I have you beat by a whopping 1 hour this week! HA!

These months are the family pay back months for all those days in the saddle. I have to say I'm lucky that Wifey even gives me few extra hours in the fall/winter because of my bad moods.

Enjoy, keep pumping out the designs. I'm anxious to see what you cook up for your new crib.

Unknown said...

I miss the days when you cared about Selma.

rick is! said...

oh, I care but if I show too much interest she'll start taking me for granted so I'm playing hard to get...