Friday, August 01, 2008

No Opportunities Squandered

Continuing on my mission to not miss out on a single opportunity to ride given my current tight schedule, I was able to convince myself to commute in this morning despite a steady, light rain when I got up at 4:30. Thankfully, I had some work with me so I was able to work from home for an hour, wait out the rain (for the most part) and then head in under cloudy, damp skies. I have a couple of tentative mountain bike rides planned for this weekend but since we're supposed to get rain all weekend those rides are looking dicey so the damp road ride should help the weekly hours and my mental state.

If things do somehow dry up a bit for the weekend, Saturday may see me at Bradbury with Wheels for a couple of hours and then Sunday at the Camden Snow Bowl for a reconnaissance ride for next weekend's race. Camden is my old home turf so I always try to focus on good races there. If the current weather pattern holds I should have a bit of an advantage there next week because I seem to do well there when the going gets nasty.

In other, only mildly biking related, news the other day a co-worker asked me if I had something to put on a rash she had on her arm. I offered up my Bag Balm which she excitedly accepted but before she used it, my inner nice guy got the better of my inner "I want to see the expression on her face when I tell her that stuff goes on my ass" guy and I told her that I do, in fact double dip into that container so she might want to rethink using it but maybe she'd like to use some for her chapped lips instead... My moral compass needs an adjustment because much hilarity would have ensued if I had kept my mouth shut.

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