Monday, May 26, 2008


It's that time of year again. Training is in full effect, racing has begun, the ticks are out and, most importantly, grooming season. I'm a little bit late this year in taming the leg jungle but better late than never. For the past several years I've done a post on my grooming du-jour. Last year I discovered the joys of ripping the hair out by the roots so I figured I'd try it again this year. Sure, it's more painful to wax but, for me at least, it is far better to wax every couple of weeks than to have to shave every few days. A little pain now for less time squandered later.

This year I changed up the process a bit by doing a pre-shave with electric trimmers to tame the jungle a bit. Think of it like dropping a bit of "shock and awe" on the enemy before sending in the ground troops. The rest of the cringing, eye watering process is the same.

Step 1: pre-shave/family time

step 2: terrorize

step 3: warm up wax strips trying not to notice the breast pubes.

step 4: apply strip (sorry no pic here)

step 5: yank

step 6: inspect damage

step 7: rejoice

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Jason said...

I sit before my computer both humbled by your blog worthyness AND sick and ashamed. Nice. Very nice.

rick is! said...

are you ashamed because you find my nips sexy?

Groover said...

So funny ... thanks for sharing in pics ...

rick is! said...

like I always say, any excuse to post pics of myself will be used.