Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Yes really, I give!

Yikes! Tad bit nipply out there these days. I actually bailed on my commute yesterday because it was too damn cold in the morning. I used the "I didn't sleep well" excuse but I know for a fact that if it had been 20deg instead of 2 I would have been hauling my carcass in on the road rocket. I guess there is a limit to how tough I'll pretend to be. Instead of the ride, I had a kick ass jog and cyclocore workout before work that left my feeling a little bit wobbly kneed. This time of year I should really be spending more of my time on that type of stuff anyway and gradually work that bike hours up. My saddle sore (who I think I'll name Mr. Pussington) thanks me.

One good thing about all of the cold-ass weather is that when it warms up even moderately it feels like a frickin heat wave. Last Wednesday, when I rode home, it was 19 degs and I couldn't believe how nice it was. Lame.

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