Thursday, February 15, 2007

A new low

Weight that is, not photo-op. No pics of me with a finger up my butt. Maybe tomorrow but today's news is that I've dropped below 190 lbs for the first time in about 2 years. Basically since Brynna was born. Coincidence? I think not. Since starting my 2007 training year at the beginning of January 7+ pounds have melted away. Yippee! It looks like my goal weight of 185 by the beginning of the season is attainable. I know that 185 is still pretty heavy bike racer wise but since I'm 6'-3" its not that shabby plus in high school I hovered between 180-185 and I was one skinny mo-fo and I don't want to look like that again. I hoping to keep the pecs around for the ladies so a couple of extra pounds are ok.

I wonder if one of the reasons for the weight coming off is that somehow, without trying, I've basically eliminated red meat from my diet. I'm not sure how or when it happened but I can't remember the last time I had a steak or hamburger. Weird. I'm sure upping my training hours drastically is doing most of the work but eliminating fatty red meat has got to help. Of course, when grilling weather returns this spring I'm sure I'll be grilling up some slabs of cow flesh every chance I get. There is nothing like a rare sirloin grilling tip. Yum.

Also, I'm happy to announce that Marcy and I have finally gotten with the times and gotten an I-pod and we're trying to figure out what to name it and are looking for clever ideas. Jason already has Ipodious sewn up so thats out. Any ideas? FYI, we got the Nano 2gig.

Marcy says that my winter cycling cap makes me look like a pin head. What do you think?

Lastly, here is a pic of mans best friend trying to save me from having fun sledding with the fam. Thanks Chance, you're the best.


Jason said...

Congrats on the weight. I've cut a TON of red meat out too. If I want something like it I have Boca.

Good luck with the names too.


p.s. yes, you look like a pin head. No more than I do though so it's ok ;)

Unknown said...

6'3"? Liar.

rick is! said...

sorry, 6'-2 3/4". wanker.