Monday, April 24, 2006

Got bag?

I've always wondered what you were supposed to do with those bags that stems and seatposts come in. I guess that you could always use them to store other bike parts once the stem/post is installed but otherwise they seem pretty useless. I guess though if you have to choose between a box that you throw away and a nifty bag that you might be able to find a use for, the bag does make a bit more sense. Well, yesterday I got bored and decided to see exactly what they could be used for.

maybe a hat? nope, her grape is too big.

How about a place to keep my, I mean Brynna's, toys?

Maybe not.

Anybody got any ideas???


Jason said...

I vote for hat. Clearly the best/cutest.

Greyhound Juice: How long do you give me before I accidently put the warming gel on the chamois? OR under my arms? I just KNOW it's gonna happen.


rick is! said...

you guys crack me up.