Monday, October 24, 2011

Arrrrhhhhh!  You Will Respect Me!

But I may bore you anyway.  I found this little fella on my sock after a bit of trail work Sunday morning.  The best I can tell, it's some sort of juvenile mantis.  All I know is that he was a motivated little bastard going this way and that.  Getting a decent picture was a challenge to say the least.

Also Sunday, Marcy and I slipped out for a very quick ride on our home trails (only the stuff on our property).  It was a good ride other than being completely unable to see the trails because of the INCHES of leaf drop (and I refuse to rake YET AGAIN! until after all of those f'ing leaves are on the ground) and poor Marcy taking three diggers in under an hour of riding.  Below is a picture shortly after the final fall, a nice little endo in a v-notch in the trail that ended with Marcy landing chin first and nearly breaking herself in two with her feet on one side of the v and her head on the other.  Nothing a little Aleve, some stretching and months of chiropractic care won't take care of.

Still a bit on the fence about this weekend's half marathon.  I want to do it and a longer trail run this past saturday proved to me that I could pull it off physically, I just need to figure out if I have the time to do it.  A summer's worth of racing has left me a bit behind on the honey-do list.  There are still thirteen spots available so I'll watch the pre-reg list carefully and decided a bit later in the week.

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