Thursday, May 12, 2011


Honestly, who goes for a morning run and comes back with a nasty puncture wound?  Only a dumbass would fall bad enough while running to potentially require stitches.  I was that stupid person this morning.  While on my morning jog with the mutt, I was running along, minding my own business, saying hi to the birds and bunnies and helping little old ladies cross the trail when, out of nowhere I kick a small embeded rock and fall in a nice mossy area.  (how'd you like that run on sentence?) There should have been no issue but, apparently, there was a pokey little stick hiding in the moss somewhere that managed to drive itself between the calf meat and skin on my right leg.  Yeah, it hurt a smidge.  Not as much as it hurt scrubbing it out in the shower though.  Marcy had to close the bedroom door while she did her hair because my screaming was making her uncomfortable...

do flaps of skin make you queezy?  what if I told 
you Marcy had to pull it back this morning to get the trail 
debris out from under it?  would that do it?

This kinda makes me wish I had shaved my legs last weekend like I was supposed to.  With all the tape Marcy put on the bandage this morning it's going to hurt just as much tonight as it did this morning.  At least it didn't go INTO my calf though.  That would have been much worse.  "It's just a flesh wound!" 

To add insult to injury, I'm pretty sure that my new next door neighbor heard the fall and the ensuing manly screaming since I was right next to the road when it happened and once we popped out of the woods they (he and his dog) were right there.

Hopefully things heal up a bit before this weekend's race which is supposed (at least for now) to be a slick one. While riding with Mike on Tuesday I commented that I hope it's slick because I think I have an advantage in those conditions but now I'm kind of worried that I'll be packing this hole with a new round of trail debris...


Dan said...

Super glue and some gentle tape (the stuff that looks like ace bandage but sticks to it self and strecths). Even with out the super glue that tape is pretty good at keep junk out of wounds.

rick is! said...

thanks dan. I'll have to see if I can find some of the tape.

Anonymous said...

Girly man. Pictures of stitches.
Seriously tho...WTF!
Ummmmm... I can't talk....BUT
Spray skin stuff???
Heard of....from some 24hr MTer Nutters here?!?!

rick is! said...

I've got the first aid shopping list going. just added bactine spray antiseptic.

Big Bikes said...

You need a warning of potential scone ejection on a post like this.

rick is! said...

I like to keep my readers on their toes. helps keep the weight down as well.

Alby King said...

Why TF does the stupid crap happen when we're moseying about? Almost never when your pushing it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rick,
Kerry Brauer suggested I contact you - I recently moved up to BBH full time and am looking for places to mountain bike! I'd really appreciate any suggestions you might have. Thanks! Billy.