Friday, September 19, 2008

Look at Me!

Over the past couple of weeks, while my camera was missing, I developed a bit of a twitch that started in my left eye and gradually developed into a full on Elaine Benes body convulsion. I wasn't sure what the cause was but it finally realized that the cause was a lack of seeing pictures of myself on the internet. So, long story short, here are some pics and the convulsions have stopped. Thank got because have you ever tried drinking coffee while moving like that?

On a bike and in civvies. Weird.

Yet another picture of our future road. I can't frickin wait to live here.

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My best chance for rides recently has been to ride to and from dealing with house stuff. On this day, I rode to meet with a foundation guy to look into getting an ICF foundation. I felt a little weird rolling up to meet the 'crete guy in his giant pick-up on my weenie road bike. Thankfully, I had thought ahead and stuffed some Teva's into the Ergon BD1 so that I could rock the 'white socks with Teva's' faux pas.


Jason said...

First rule of fashion is there are no rules! Hope the race is going/went well this weekend. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

WTF Nelson? I figured the only thing you would be able to do today (Sunday) (the day after Bradbury 12)was to sing Happy Birthday to B and write and entertaining blog. Hopfully you got at least one out of two right.

The funniest moment of the the whole 12 hour race was watching Racey Ricky trying to pick up a bottle of water after the race.

rick is! said...

whoa, could this be the reclusive Mike commenting on my blog???

Groover said...

Love the street sign. That's the first thing I made my dad do when he first visited us in Oz: Take his socks off. He loves telling the story now ...