Friday, February 24, 2006

On my Wednesday ride home, I tried out the route through the Schmidt Preserve that I spoke of last week. Turned out to be very rideable for the most part although a bit rough in areas with the skinny cyclo-cross tires but still mostly doable. It'll be a nice occasional change from my typical road slog. As a bonus, there is a couple miles of single track trails in the preserve to ride as well but I had promised Marcy that I wouldn't do them on my first time through for safetys sake. I was a good boy and avoided them but the next time through, I'll be ripping it up.

This is what the main trail through the middle of the preserve (and the one that I'll use for my commute) looks like. This is one of the smoother sections but you get the idea.

This is the entry to one of the single track sections. The presere gets a fairly small amount of visitors so most of the trails are nice and smooth of course they can be soft as well since they don't have tons of people beating them down.

For good measure I took a spin through the hospital property just down the road from my house. They have some stone dust walking paths that are good for working on your sand skills on a cx bike.

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